For the last couple of days my schedule has been mighty big!
After school yesterday one of my good friends came over. Right when we were in the middle of our wii game my dad came down and said that he was going to Whistler, I felt as if i had been hit with a bullet! why was he going so soon? when will he be coming home? because my friend and I were in the middle of our game I didn't ask the questions.
The next morning when I woke up I thought that it would be a big relaxation day though when my mom checked her email we were showing our house at twelve o'clock that morning! Before I knew it my mom me and my sister- my other older sister was at her friends sleep-over, were running around the house cleaning up and trying to get ready at the same time for my younger sisters soccer game.
When finally got out of the house and were at our sisters soccer game my mom and I went up to the track to wait for my sisters soccer game to end. When it was finally over we went to my favorite reasturant, The Bakehouse to have lunch. My sister and I decided to order grilled cheeses(on rainbow bread!) to have while my mom choose to have eggs.
When we were finished our lunch since we were not allowed to go home yet we headed down to Robson street get my mom registerd for the half marathon she is going to run the following day. When we got to Robson street my mom and I thought that the store would be just a block away but when we had walked two blocks we realized that we were wrong, the store was three blocks away! Since it was coled when we finished our 'short' walk my mom said that she would take us to Starbucks to get some kids hot chocolates.
Finally we got back into west Van. After we picked up my sister from her sleepover we thankfully did not have to do anything else.
As you can see my day was very busy!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Today at my school my old principal Mrs. Laudien came in to talk about her new book Frenchies Best Friend Blog On.
Her book is a bout a boy named Ethan who really wants a dog but is not alowed to have one- I can relate to that, mother! Enyways when Ethans mom is at work Ethan decideds to set up his own dog spa in his laundry room! After every day of dog grooming Ethan decides to blog about his dog grooming day. For an example here is a little quote from Ethans blog:
I am completely impressed with myself today. Through taking on this dog grooming buisness, I have found out something about myself. I can think fast on my feet- I'm not sure another thirteen -year-old would have come up with the same solution to brushing a dogs teeth, as I did today.
As you can see the book looks amazing! Though if I was Ethan I would be a little more careful about having a dog grooming buisness in your moms laundry room- the consequences would be pretty bad!
If I were Ethan I would do it at a friends house or at least outside!
I can relate to Ethan in many ways. Though one of the things I can definitely not relate to is his trouble making! For an example I would never have the guts to open up my own dog washing buisness and I would certainley never feed a dog gum, for all I know it could kill the poor thing!
As you can see Frenchies Best Friend Blog on is an remarkable book!
Her book is a bout a boy named Ethan who really wants a dog but is not alowed to have one- I can relate to that, mother! Enyways when Ethans mom is at work Ethan decideds to set up his own dog spa in his laundry room! After every day of dog grooming Ethan decides to blog about his dog grooming day. For an example here is a little quote from Ethans blog:
I am completely impressed with myself today. Through taking on this dog grooming buisness, I have found out something about myself. I can think fast on my feet- I'm not sure another thirteen -year-old would have come up with the same solution to brushing a dogs teeth, as I did today.
As you can see the book looks amazing! Though if I was Ethan I would be a little more careful about having a dog grooming buisness in your moms laundry room- the consequences would be pretty bad!
If I were Ethan I would do it at a friends house or at least outside!
I can relate to Ethan in many ways. Though one of the things I can definitely not relate to is his trouble making! For an example I would never have the guts to open up my own dog washing buisness and I would certainley never feed a dog gum, for all I know it could kill the poor thing!
As you can see Frenchies Best Friend Blog on is an remarkable book!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
There's a first time for everything
As you should know, right now I am in France and am staying in a big house. The people that own the house have just about everything you need-and things that can keep you entertained. For example bikes.
On our first day in France we discovered that the people that own the house we are staying in have bikes outside hidden behind the table. Just the other day my dad told us that we should get out and about and go on a bike ride. Since my sisters and I all like to bike ride we all said that we would come.
There are three bikes that the people own. two of them are smaller adult bikes while the other one is a six year old bike. My younger sister is six so she rode the smaller bike. My older sister is 11. She rode on one of the adult bikes. That leaves me. My dad needed to lower the seat of one of the adult bikes in order to make it fit.
since my mom and dad have bin going on bike rides since we got here they knew of a good bike rought that almost was all flat(my little sister isn't so great on hills-she can't stop) and was right by our house we are staying in.
Everything was going fine until we reached our first fairly big hill. I was going first down the hill. I, like I almost am was fine on it. My older sister was going down the hill second. She was going down the hill on a bike that did not have very good brakes, so she was dragging her feet and making a really horrible noise. Next came my younger sister. It was her first time on a bike with hand brakes, and was having a little trouble braking. Because of this my dad needed to sprint down the hill, throw his bike in the ditch and catch my younger sister just in the nick of time, with only ten meters till my younger sister went flying onto the highway.
On our first day in France we discovered that the people that own the house we are staying in have bikes outside hidden behind the table. Just the other day my dad told us that we should get out and about and go on a bike ride. Since my sisters and I all like to bike ride we all said that we would come.
There are three bikes that the people own. two of them are smaller adult bikes while the other one is a six year old bike. My younger sister is six so she rode the smaller bike. My older sister is 11. She rode on one of the adult bikes. That leaves me. My dad needed to lower the seat of one of the adult bikes in order to make it fit.
since my mom and dad have bin going on bike rides since we got here they knew of a good bike rought that almost was all flat(my little sister isn't so great on hills-she can't stop) and was right by our house we are staying in.
Everything was going fine until we reached our first fairly big hill. I was going first down the hill. I, like I almost am was fine on it. My older sister was going down the hill second. She was going down the hill on a bike that did not have very good brakes, so she was dragging her feet and making a really horrible noise. Next came my younger sister. It was her first time on a bike with hand brakes, and was having a little trouble braking. Because of this my dad needed to sprint down the hill, throw his bike in the ditch and catch my younger sister just in the nick of time, with only ten meters till my younger sister went flying onto the highway.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
my familys 'six hour' drive
Yesterday was the day when my family said chiao to Tuscany and bonjour to France.
We all packed up in the morning and started driving at 11:00. My mom said that the drive would be six hours, me and both my sisters were not looking forward to this. We drove for what, one hour until one of my sisters, of course had to go to the bathroom so we stopped at a gas station. Since it was lunch time my sister and I asked if we could get something to eat, my dad replied sure! I was just thinking about what I was going to order when I heard my dad open the trunk of the car and grab a loaf of bread and a package of ham. inside my head I did the loudest scream but of course I didn't show any expression of it. Anyways most home made things are better, right?
After we had left the gas station we drove for three more hours until we came to the Italian Riviera. We walked down to the beach to touch the Medatrainian sea. I saw a lot of people with their bikini tops off( I guess its a French thing.)
when we left the beach everyone in our party got thirsty so we went to the closest gelato place we could find. Instead of having gelato my sister and I got slushies.
When we hoped back into the car I asked my parents how much longer they replied that since we had been driving for four hours we would have two more hours left. Then another question accured in my head, how long till we get to France? When I asked this question the answer was way different, my parents said they have no idea.
Two more hours went by and finally we got into France, although we didn't know this because there was no boarder! Instead of a boarder there was a small sign saying "In 100 meters France will begin" or something like that.
Did you know that because there is Well shortly after my family got into France we had to go to a telli pass to pay. There was a 10 minute line for some of the booths and 1 second lines for some of the others. Since my parents did not want to have to wait in the 10 minute line they steered are car into one of lines that was a couple seconds. That was when we realized that the telli pass we had went into had no person working in the booth.
My dad touched one button and a lot of weird French words came out through the speekers. When my dad thrust in his credit card the machine would not except it. He tried again... it still would not take his credit card. After about 3 minutes of trying a person came over to help us. My dad told him that the machine was not taking his credit card. Suddenly our gate that we were in just opened! We had absoulutly no idea that we had payed!
After that one telli pass we got onto the right route and only took us 2 more hours to get home. All in all the car ride was a big pain but was quite the adventure!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
a family adventure
I am offically out of school. At this moment many people ask me "why?" and I simply reply I am going on an adventure. I also say that I am going to Europe. But when I say that I say it with no expression, I do this because I don't want to go. I mean what is the point? I usally ask this exact question to my parents and they say "its going to be fun! You are going to see another part of the world, its going to be a great experiance!" But in my head I know its not going to be fun at all. All my familys going to do is sightsee. Also I am going to miss all the year end parties for my activities! I am going to miss my gymnastics party, my school end party, my fathers day piano recital, it is no fair! Well there is nothing I can do about it now, after all my plane leaves today! To bad...
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Jacques Yves Cousteau-explorer extrordinaire
Jacques Cousteau was a french explorer. He explored the oceans. Many people have heard that he used to have his own T.V show. But that's not what this post is about. This post is about how he became to be a explorer. Lets start when he was a teenager. When he was a teenager world war two was going on. He was very brave and helped the british spy on Germany. He was very successfull, so a couple years later he was going to become a naval pilot. But when that was about to happen he got in a really bad car crash. He puntured his left arm in five different places broke three of his ribs, paralyzed his right arm, and worst of all killed his dream of becoming a naval pilot- he couldn't fly with his right arm paralyzed! As soon as he got down from the mountain he went strait to see a doctor. The doctor told him that this was a serious ingery and that it needed to heal. Jacques Cousteau asked him how and the doctor said to swim so the doctor lent Cousteau some swim goggles. As soon Jacques felt up to it he went down into the ocean. In just a couple seconds cousteau relized that he had a new passion to replace flying. A couple years later-when cousteau was old enough to have his own boat he leased one. The ships name was Calypso. Cousteau leased it for less than one dollar every year-but that was back in the olden days! After that Jacques Cousteau kept exploring untill he died on June 25 1998. But there is absolutly still room in peoples brains for him, afterall he is extrordinary!
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Canucks get crushed
The Canucks did not have very much skill as they played Chicago in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Chicago must have been practicing really hard because they beet the Canucks twice in a row! The first time they beet the Canucks the score was 7-2 the second time they beet them the score was 5-0. I don't mean to be mean to you Luongo but you are the absolute worst goaltender in the world. My advice to your coach is to put your buddy Cory in net from start to finish, unless he was as bad as you were, Luongo. Also, I think that we need to start getting less penaltys and more power plays. Players like Torres, Bieksa, and Glass should try not to be as aggrssiave. Last but not least, I think are defenders such as Edler, Erhoff, or Bieksa need to work on passing the puck up to their offenders at center. I think this because the Canucks are having trouble clearing the puck while the Black Hawks are on a power play. If you are a fan and care for the Canucks help them and tell the owners what they need to work on.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Spring Break
Over spring break I did many things. To me I think the most interesting thing I did on Spring Break was go to Palm Springs. The day we got there me and my sister Grace got signed up for tennis lessons. We did our tennis lessons on court four(there are very many.) As soon as we started we met our coach. Her name was Katie. She's a really good tennis player! Since I'm a beginner so she was a big help! She taught me pretty much everything I need to know to get a good start at tennis. She taught me the rules, the for hand, the back hand how to hit balls at the net and many other things. Since we were doing a lot of tennis over the week we decided that we should go to a tennis show. The tennis show was about 45 minutes long. All the staff that worked at the tennis courts put together very funny tennis skits. My favorite skit that the staff put together was my teacher, Katie hitting balls really hard. She hit the balls so hard that some of the balls went over the fence! I think that one of the reasons I liked it so much was that they taught you things and gave you advice while doing funny things. One of the last things I did while I was in Palm Springs was go to Disneyland.
We stayed in a hotel called the Grand California. One of the things that was cool about the hotel was that it was inside the park. When I say 'inside' I mean it, you could literally step outside the door and you'd be inside the Disneyland park! My favorite ride I went on was California Screamer. Even though I wanted to stay on vacation and keep relaxing I knew that I had had enough.

Friday, February 25, 2011
the mystery of the stained shorts
One day before my sister and me went to gymnastics something real funny happened to us. My sisters shorts she normally wears were dirty so she needed to wear her pink shorts. Right before we left for the rec center my sister realized she had a big black stain on her shorts. She did not care very much because she luckily had another pair of pink shorts. My sister ran to her locker ( because we were late) grabed her other pair of pink shorts and put them on. She was surprised to see that they had a big stain on it to! Were we being haunted by stains? My sister did not care so we left.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
gramy awards
The Grammy awards took place on Sunday February 13, 2011. Lady Gaga performed a song for the first time called Born This Way. Another big thing that happened was Justin Bieber that preformed a mix of Baby and Never Say Never with Jaden Smith and Usher. The winner for best rock album was Muse. The winner for best vocal song was Lady Gaga with Fame Monster. The winner for best country album was Lady Antebellum. After, Cee Lo green performed a song. They preformed it with puppets! The next person to sing was Katy Perry, she sang Teenage Dream. The winner for song of the year was Lady Antebellum. Again?!? Finally the person I was waiting for: Rhianna and Eminem! Best people yet! As you can see many interesting people performed at the Grammys.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Whistler kills 100 dogs
A company in whistler killed 100 dogs. Why did they do this? Well, the business was really popular during the Olympics but got pretty low after. The problem is that this company (a dog sled company)got 100 dogs to run all the sleds when the Olympics were going on. But since they did not keep doing well they could not afford to feed the dogs. The owner of the company ordered or forced an employee to kill the dogs. People were shocked to know that this event happened in April 2009. There though is one more question people are dying to know the answer to Where is the man that killed the dogs?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Canada vrs Russia
In the world juniors playing for the gold medal was Canada and Russia. Canada was dominating in the first and second period. Going into the third Canada was up three nothing. Unfortunately Russia started putting on their game faces and started making a come back. They scored a goal early in the third period making it one to three. Once again Russia scored to make it two to three, and then again to tie it up. Canada called a time out. Russia scored two more goals after that making it five to three for Russia. Russia beat Canada!!! I am sure that quite like I all the Canadian fans are pretty bumed out.
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